Zhangjiajie Tujia Sticker Painting is a kind of painting pasted on tri-ply wood. A wonder for making such a painting is that it never use commonly used painting material such as paper, oil painting, brush and ink, but sand, gravel, bark, root, leaves, branch, plant straw and rags.
2013-05-02 09:48
Chrysanthemum Stone, A unique handicraft of Liuyang,Hunanis cut and polished by chrysanthemum carving stone which formed 270 or 275 millions years ago. It is generally distributed among southern parts of China, such as Hunan, Jiangsu, and Guizhou. Among those, the one that bears most of the fame is Hunan Liuyang Chrysanthemum Stone.
2013-04-30 15:58
With a long history of its arts, pure, beautiful, ancient and plain, Fenghuang batik is an exquisite article in Fenghuang’s folk arts and crafts.Thanks to its bountiful patterns, elegant tue and unique style, batik is applied to making apparels and various living utilities. When looking a piece of batik, you feel its simplicity but no lack of freshness and pleasure to your eyes, especially with ethnic features. At the same time, as a folk art in the ancient time, batik has a history of over 1,000 years. Its unique ethnic style and bountiful national identity are poplar among tourists.
2013-04-24 00:58
When you come to the scenic spots or downtown arts and crafts shops in ZJJ, various kinds of special handbag featured with Tujia customs will jump into your eyes. And these handbags are made of straws, wheat-straws, bamboo canes or rattans. They differ in styles and sizes, thus they are favored by a large number of tourists
2013-04-20 15:28
Fenghuang red rice wine profits from the workmanship handed down from ancestors. Good rice wine is dark green, fragrant and sweet. Red rice wine is rich in nourishment such as vitamin, glucose, amino acid and so on. Drinking red rice wine can give you a lift, whet the appetite, reinforce body fluid and benefit the kidney.
2013-04-09 15:29
As an ancient craft, dye used in Fenghuang Plangi is the same as batik. But plangi has much more vivid methods. Instead of adhering depends on wax, plangi uses strings to wrap part of the lining and this part will not be put in the dye. Other parts also form the same color as dye. Wrapped part has transition of color because of liquid’s soakage. It has no harm to human health since the dyeing adopts radix isatidis and other natural plant.
2013-03-06 00:49
Zhangjiajei Sealand Karp, Special Needlepoint of Tujia,In Tujia language, “Sealand” means the bed-clothes, and “karp” means a flower, so this phrase means the tujia’s bedclothes which decorates flowers.
2013-02-27 23:14
Zhangjiajie Miao embroidery is made by five color lines. Its graphics are mainly from some basic rules of geometry, few designed by flowers and plants. The basic pattern of geometric, such as prismatic, spiral, cross, zigzag, etc.
2013-01-26 12:17