During peak season(March-November),Especially holidays,it is necessary to have a reservation for 2 days in advance and Booking the specific time.Because there are restrictions on the number of tourists(8,000/per day in Glass bridge).Also we can help you booking tickets for Glass bridge and Tianmenshan glass plank.
There are two kinds of tickets for Zhangjiajie grand canyon and glass bridge,you can make a choice as follow:
1.Whole day for grand canyon and glass bridge ticket,this is package tickets price(CNY279/PP)
2.Only glass bridge tickets for 16:20pm-18:30pm,this is only glass bridge tickets price(CNY161/PP)
聯繫我們(Contact us):
線上郵箱(On-line Email):shuire@gmail.com 2zjjtour@gmail.com
線上服務(On-line QQ):549704314 455415132
線上微信(On-line Wechat):zjjonine
線上瓦普(On-line WhatsApp):+86 18874433191,+86 13787946183;
線上交流(On-line Skype):shuire2
線上交流(On-line Facebook):shuire@gmail.com
線上電話(Phone No):(+86)744-8298777 8362222
Company:Zhangjiajie-XZL-International Travel Service Co., Ltd
Address:Zhangjiajie City Gaoshengliyuan Building14-23B0305