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Jade Emperor Grotto

Yongding District 2012/07/28 View:3417

Jade Emperor Grotto is located in the south of Makong Mountain which lies about 7 miles away from western city of Zhangjiajie in Hunan province. It was solely-sponsored by local squire, Lijing in Qing Dynasty. Lijing, also called Li wurui and Jiudongyue, was born in the sixth year of Qianlong (1742), died in the forty-sixth of Daoguang (1825), at an age of 83. Mr.Li had a substantially well-off family which was the richest locally. He was diligent and talented as a youth, but failed in civil service examination time and again after decades of strenuous efforts for his official career. Since there was no hope in official circles, he had no illusions towards it any more, and then started to rest his comforts with the construction of Yuhuang Grotto. Based on the natural karst cave of Makong Mountain, he spent large amount of money hiring craftsmen to build three layers of“Heaven”, “Earth” , “Hell” including eight holes under the artistic layout of upper, middle and below. In addition, three miles away from the Fengquan Cave, he also created another cave. Thus, Jiudongyue also refer to the whole Jade Emperor Grotto

The eight caves consisting of the upper layer of Jade Emperor Grotto, Jade Emperor Cave, the middle layer, Jade Gold Cave, Haobi (A kind of writing brush) Cave, the Inkwell Cave, Tiger Dragon Cave, Lion Cave, Saint Confucius Cave and the lower level of Karma Cave, made up a whole Chaotic World. The No.1 Cave, Jade Emperor Cave engraved with a statue of Jade Emperor stood for the supreme of “The Heaven” who was in charge of the middle layer of “The Earth” and the lower of “Hell”, so the entire grotto was named after it.

It had been under construction for eight years from 1799 to 1807, a great deal of historical figures statues and poetry inscribed board in the cave not only represented the exquisite and unique stone carving skills by the vivid description of personages and powerful and grand calligraphy, but also on its artistic theme conveyed the main sponsor, Lijing’s frustration for his talents, his cynicisms of the society and longings for a peaceful and prosperous world. What’s more, it flayed the decaying civil service examination system which would provide historical materials for the study of social and imperial system of Qing Dynasty as well as the state of intellectuals then.

The whole grotto is over a length of 300m from east to west, possessing 19stone statues and more than 50 stone carving now, which is the only one grotto art group in good keep in Hunan province and has been listed into the key units of cultural relics protection of Hunan province in 1959.

By Brenda

  • Zhangjiajie Taihua Great Gorge

    Zhangjiajie Taihua Great Gorge

    ZJJ Taihua Great Gorge, A back-land of Wuliang District, situated at bank of Lishui River in Zhangjiajie City, is of splendid and primitive sight with precipitous gorge, flourishing forest and densely distributed streams.The whole gorge is as long as 8km and the altitude difference at the deepest gorge is over three hundred meters and the narrowest place only allows one person to pass. What amazing is that flourishing forest and ancient vine accompany you all along when climbing down from the top of gorge to its bottom. But, when be ready to go, you should prepare well to conquer the steep road. Sheltered from forest shade,deep gorge and steep cliff, a lot of places in the gorge are even shielded from sunlight all year round. Owing to this, the gorge is pregnant with countless sky eyes and crypts.When fascinated by the beauty of Taihua Great Gorge, you will also definitely surprised by strong and amazing spirit of Tujia People who excavated artificial canal on the steep cliff of this gorge. The canal is built along the mountain waist, so the other side of canal is 200-meter high cliff. People who are afraid of height and of heart disease had better not visit this gorge for the sake of safe.By Patricia
    2012-11-30 21:25 View:4721
  • Zhangjiajie South Beach

    Zhangjiajie South Beach

    After going through Loushui river and bottomless gorge, it turns south beach at the end of the grassland. It is 1500 meters above sea level, the geographical environment is relatively remote, which is closed to hubei province hefeng. It has thousand meters cliffs and vast hilly pastures, forming a long scenery line.The glassland plantes many known and unknown foreign grass seed, such as lolium multiflorum and clover. Cattle and sheep flocks wander errantly. Roaming in the green grass, under the sunshine, you will unconsciously fall in love with the place. If you have any partner or company, you can change a place, going to fishing in the lake, or lying in the tent, it seems to be extremely comfortable! Suddenly, a few ducks skim over the water, breaking up the water fairies beauty…Translated by Sophia
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  • Zhangjiajie Bottomless Gorge

    Zhangjiajie Bottomless Gorge

    The bottomless gorge is also named Chuantian gutter. It ia a deep grand canyon between the three township baishi, xilian and rencao river. The deep valley, with timber forest on both sides, and no one involved in.Zhangjiajie Bottomless gorge divides into three parts. Yellow lion river is in the upper river, which is a rift valley with three thousand meters from the earth’s surface. Middle part is Luoxiang gorge. The last section called Five miles stream, a five-mile ancient plank road connected white stone and Ren caoxi township. Whole valley is about hundred miles. It has birdsong, gibbon and waterfall. Cliff valley grows trees with old vines.Translated by Sophia
    2012-03-21 23:10 View:3026
  • Zhangjiajie Chong Mountain

    Zhangjiajie Chong Mountain

    Located in the southwestern part,20km from Zhangjiajie,Hunan province.Zhangjiajie Chong Mountain has a altitude of 1164.7m and a area of 3 square km. in its main peak. Adjacent to Tianmen Mountain, it is blessed with both fantastic landscape and legendary stories!It is said Huan Dou, the son of Zhuanxu (A legendary monarch in ancient China), was exiled by Emperor Yao to Chong Mountain.And there were a lot historical relics of his lied here including the Tomb of Huan Dou,the House of Huan Dou,the Temple of Huan Dou.Gorgeous place with some unbelievable scenery for you to visit for free!By Brenda
    2012-11-28 02:37 View:3874
  • Zhangjiajie Xiongbi Cliff Village

    Zhangjiajie Xiongbi Cliff Village

    Zhangjiajie Xiongbi Cliff Village, which is governed by Guan Liping street office, Yong Ding district, Zhang Jiajie city, locates on an upland with altitude reaching up to 1300 meters. It is called “Village on Cliff” as is around by cliffs. Though four mountain roads are provided, all roads are even harder to climb than climbing to heaven.Hard as it is, many people still yearn for this primitive and mysterious patch. Scenery here is really inviting. Looking at the top of upland, you could appreciate the highland scenery. Looking down, you could see Xianren Stream (another beautiful scenic spot in Zhang Jiajie) which is of Jiangnan style hugging around under the foot of Xiongbi Cliff. What an amazing experience to enjoy two kinds of different sceneries at the same time!Apart from appreciating amazing natural scenery, it’s also wonderful to taste special local food. Bacon, Gegen powder are especially famous food here. Moreover, residents here are quite hospitable. It’s also a hard won chance to experience pure local culture.Now some travel agents are exploiting special travel items here. Wild surviving training, climbing and sightseeing, spending summer holidays, hunting, participating in farm work, camping are excellent activities to held in Xiongbi Cliff Village. Here is really resort waiting for you!By Brenda#gallery-1 {margin: auto;}#gallery-1 .gallery-item {float: left;margin-top: 10px;text-align: center;width: 33%;}#gallery-1 img {border: 2px solid #cfcfcf;}#gallery-1 .gallery-caption {margin-left: 0;}
    2012-11-11 00:38 View:3556
  • Zhangjiajie Old Taoist Bay

    Zhangjiajie Old Taoist Bay

    Zhangjiajie Old Taoist Bay, A mysterious and holy land, locates under the foot of the south of Tianmen Mountain in urban area of Zhangjiajie, And at the back of the Seven-Star Crag. It was given such a name because a Taoist priest whose name was Gui Guzi once cultivated himself and preached here. It is 7 kilometers from the downtown of Zhangjiajie and covers an area of over 9000 acres. There still exists so many kinds of rare plants and animals in it that the whole bay remains in a primitive state and no one lives here.With the development over the Old Taoist Bay, we will have chance to unveil its mysteries. Now it is under developing and the whole bay is developed into 3 scenic spots from its east to west. The east route’s inviting sightseeing is the Eighteen Pools. Its depth varies from 1 meter to 4 meters and shapes of them seem out of superb craftsmanship that some look like crescent moon while some pig’s kidney. The midline is the ever prosperous ancient business road of thousand years where the Thirteen-Six Jiao, the Gory Guard, theStoneBridgeand so on locates here and have seen its ups and downs in history. Apart from those historic sight spots, rice wine of the Thirteen-Six Jiao and tofu of the Stone Bridge are also attractive and of memorial sense. The west route is calledFairyCanyonwhose original name is Snowflake Stream where it shapes into wide bottom and narrow roof due to the long-term whirling wash and different density of rock. Waterfall here is also another attracting spot.The Old Taoist Bay not only gives you a visual feast of natural scenery but also a special experience of local culture of Zhangjiajie. It is absolutely the best land to get away from the ordinary world and a mysterious land for exploration.Translated by Brenda
    2012-11-11 00:29 View:4800
  • Zhangjiajie Xianren Stream

    Zhangjiajie Xianren Stream

    Xianren Stream is located in the south of Yongding district, Zhangjiajie city, Hunan province. It is only 4 kilometers’ away from Zhangjiajie downtown. Looking around from Xianren Stream, green hills and clear rivers lie here and there. The further you go, the more mysteries you could feel. Particularly, after the rain, Xianren Stream will show you a wonderful fairy land.Since Xianren Stream is still waiting for further development, self-driving tour or outdoor exercises would be better if you want to pay a visit here.Here are two eye-catching scenic spots in Xianren Stream:1, Fairy Cave——On a cave named vacant shell, there stands a natural generated stone bodhisattva, which is called immortal by locals friendly . Thus this cave wins its name Fairy Cave.2, the Heavenly Southern Gate——Walking along the stream, in the deepest place of it, you can look up at the Heavenly Southern Gate hiding in cloud and mist.Translated by Becky
    2014-09-25 14:20 View:6546
  • Zhangjiajie Qixing Mountain

    Zhangjiajie Qixing Mountain

    Zhangjiajie Qixing Mountain– An expedition of outdoor mountain hiking Adjacent to Tianmen Mountain, Qixing Mountain’s highest elevation stands at 1528.6 meter, 10 meter higher than Tianmen Mountain. It covers an area of 19,044 mu in the National Land and Resource Level Diagram and its actual total area reaches 35,000 to 40,000 mu, 3 times lager than Tianmen Mountain.On the top of the mountain is a huge mesa hill with an average elevation of 1400 meter and arable area of 280 mu. The average temperature on the mountaintop hovers at 9 C°. And summer also never kisses the land throughout the year. Forest coverage rate is 87%, most of which are shrub wood and about 2000 mu primitive forest has been reserved.Qixing Mountain also abounds in wildlife and is listed as one of the Four Main Chinese Herbal Medicine Library (Tianmen Mountain, Badagongshan, Zhangjiajie, Qixing Mountain)Having imagined for a long time, we finally get the chance to unveil the mystery of Qixing mountain. Our group including 18 memebers excitedly starts our expedition to this splendor!Our starting point lies in this seclusive area, and there is no road to get to the mountaintop, so we need to find ways by ourseles! What a blood- curdling adventure!Looking! this is a special rock looking like the head of a horse, isnn’t it?The most dangerous path developed by us, and a slender figure will help you a lot when you are in such a circumstance!Resting ~Pose~Snap!Aha~ a patch of reeds meets our eyes! Romatic?By Brenda
    2012-08-28 14:01 View:5905
  • Zhangjiajie Cili Xingde Mountain

    Zhangjiajie Cili Xingde Mountain

    Located at the Chaoyang Village in Cili County, Xingde Mountain is a pearl that decorates the way between provincial road line 1801 and Changde- Cili highway and possesses an elevation of 842.5 meters. It is facing with the Taoist holy place, Wulei Mountain with human landscape and natural landscape rolled into one.Xingde Mountain is surrounded by many famous scenic spots including Seven-star Cave under the top of the mountain cliffs ,which creates a marvelous spectacle with Heaven wain shining in the sky and it reflects and mirrors in turn on the earth when entering the period between autumn and winter, the independent and solitary pines with one-thousand years towering on the summit, the ridge on the north of the summit like a lion swooping down on the stranded stone boat ahead of him and the penguin-and-man-like rock on the western part of the summit whose root disjoints from its base like flying to fall.Legend has it that the relics of Sky-hole patched by Nvwa left here.By Brenda#gallery-2 {margin: auto;}#gallery-2 .gallery-item {float: left;margin-top: 10px;text-align: center;width: 33%;}#gallery-2 img {border: 2px solid #cfcfcf;}#gallery-2 .gallery-caption {margin-left: 0;}
    2012-08-18 02:01 View:3644
  • Zhangjiajie Wulei Mountain

    Zhangjiajie Wulei Mountain

    Wulei Mountain , one of the key religious sites that have been firstly recognized in Hunan province, is situated in the core scenic spot of eastern travel line which is located in the eastern part of the Cili County, 29 miles away from the east entrance of Cili on the Zhang-Chang highway, bordering on the north to Shimen , close to Linli on the east, adjacent to Taoyuan on the south. It is an evitable place to go to Zhangjiajie city.As I introduce this place,travelers may wonder what’s the differences between this mountain and others? Why they should go there through dale and hill? OK, here I will list reasons as follows:Firstly, it has a unique natural landscape with a pleasant climate, beautiful environment, flourishing vegetation, eroding canyons and fresh air. The Wulei Mountain is a famous summer resort which owns a name of the No.1 scenic spot of south of Chu kingdom( the ancient kingdom in the Warring States Period which was used to be located in the present Hunan)Secondly, it enjoys equal popularity of the Wudang Mountain in Hubei province. As the saying goes, the most outstanding mountain in Hubei is the Wudang Mountain while in Hunan it is the Wulei Mountain, both of them like a pair of brothers in hand to embrace a good reputation.Thirdly, several celebrities in the history has shown their compliments to it through various ways, such as the national history compiler in the academy of Yuan Dynasty, Zhangdui wrote down a praise as “Wulei Mountain ranking as the No.1 in the south of Chu kingdom“, and the Mingshenzong, emperor of the Ming Dynasty honored the Wulei Mountain as ” a mountain blessed with luck and happiness”, hailed as the Wudang Mountain in the south.To sum up , all these evidence has proved that it is really a gorgeous place that you can’t miss!By Brenda#gallery-1 {margin: auto;}#gallery-1 .gallery-item {float: left;margin-top: 10px;text-align: center;width: 33%;}#gallery-1 img {border: 2px solid #cfcfcf;}#gallery-1 .gallery-caption {margin-left: 0;}
    2011-08-16 13:54 View:3501