As a traditional dish in Hmong’s cuisines in Fenghuang, Xiangxi, the taste of peach blossom worm is delicious with the function of nourishing yin and tonifying yang, and it becomes the great treasure among Hmong’s dishes.
Peach blossom worm is named for it produces in March when peach blossoms. Different from the shrimp and lobster, peach blossom worm indeed is a kind of worm. On every occasion of spring March, the peach blossom worms in the mountain streams of Xiang xi begin mass propagation. Being small, exquisite and delicate, peach blossom worm is suitable for deep fry. Besides, it is good dishes for drinking due to its fragrance. Thanks to its bountiful proteins, it is honored “The king of protein”.
From time immemorial, there has formed a special custom of catching peach blossom worm when spring March comes in Fenghuang. The hmong’s people treat their guests with peach blossom worm as a treasure, and the guests think eating peach blossom worm is the most pleasure and happiest thing.
Translated by Crystal